Become a Member

Greener Orkney Membership Form

Scottish Charity Number: SC049148

Greener Orkney SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) was set up to advance environmental protection by reducing Orkney’s carbon footprint, and to raise awareness of climate change among the community. Our aim is to improve people’s knowledge of environmental matters and show how individuals can make a difference.

Greener Orkney is “owned” by its members. Membership is free of charge and open to anyone aged 16 years or over. Greener Orkney is a two-tiered structure: that is a board of trustees who govern the organisation, and a membership body that controls aspects of its activities. The way Greener Orkney is governed is set out in its constitution. To obtain a copy please email

Members are the foundation of our SCIO. Members have the right to attend the Annual General Meeting (and any special general meeting) and have important powers under our constitution; including that the members elect people to serve as trustees. Members can stand for election to the board of trustees at the AGM.

What are the benefits of being a member?
Help us shape the future of Greener Orkney. Becoming a member provides the opportunity to receive members’ newsletters, find out about our local events and projects and attend members’ meetings.

Membership is free.

To sign up, please complete the online form below or download, fill in and return this one.

I agree to be contacted by Greener Orkney by email for information about my membership and to keep me up to date regarding Greener Orkney’s activities

Would you like to receive our newsletter by email?

We hold the minimum of personal information necessary for the purposes of communicating with the membership. Personal information will not be shared with any third parties. Our full privacy policy is available on request.