Greener Orkney helped organise Bag the Bruck in April this year.
In total over 820 bags of bruck were collected and over 1,000 pairs of gloves were distributed in addition to 19 groups providing their own gloves. There were also some bags of items for recycling brought back this time which is good news.
11 schools, 6 businesses, 25 community groups and 21 individuals took part in over 63 different events.
A big thank you to everyone who helped and in particular to Cooke Aquaculture Scotland for their generous donation. Also to all the building suppliers firms in Hatston who provided many packets of gloves. A special thanks to the Waste and Recycling team at OIC, the outer island haulers and Scottish Sea Farms, who picked up some extra large loads.
Finally thanks to Shona Garson who worked behind the scenes to send out all the packs and gather results.